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Library policies

Fintel Library Gifts Policy

Fintel Library has received many valuable, noteworthy, and useful gifts over the years. These items contribute greatly to the quality of the Library's collection.

Gifts are accepted when they support the research needs of students and faculty. Not all items are suitable for fulfilling this role at Roanoke College though they may be appropriate for other academic, public, or special libraries. Gifts are subject to the same policies and procedures as purchased items. These procedures apply to the acceptance, processing, location, retention, and disposition of items.  The following materials will generally be reviewed for addition to the collection:

  • Titles that would be unique to the collection and contribute toward the Roanoke College curriculum
  • Older materials that are considered classics or standards that do not duplicate current holdings and are distinguished by their edition, autograph, and historical significance
  • Journal issues that replace missing issues or that contribute to the length of a current subscription
  • Works by authors associated with the Roanoke College community
  • Cash contributions to the Library are welcome.  Unrestricted contributions provide the greatest flexibility in supporting resource needs.  However, contributions may also be designated to purchase a particular titles or titles in specific subject areas if consistent with the collecting areas of the Library.  Contributions made in honor or in memory of others are so designated.

Gifts may qualify as legitimate deductions for tax purposes. However, the Library is considered to be an interested party; therefore, it cannot provide value estimations. Donors are responsible for appraisal expenses. The Library can assist in identifying an appraiser. Gifts are acknowledged by letter and also by the inclusion of a bookplate when appropriate.

Materials normally declined by the Library are:

  • Duplicates
  • Textbooks
  • Foreign language items outside the curriculum scope of courses offered
  • Audio-visual materials
  • Journal runs where the Library does not already own content
  • Consumables (e.g. tests, workbooks)
  • Items in poor physical condition.

All materials will be evaluated for relevance to support the Roanoke College curriculum.  The Library reserves the right to dispose of materials not accepted into the collection in the manner it deems appropriate.