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2021 Bibliography of Faculty Scholarship & Creative Efforts


Hinlicky, P. R. (2021). Hitler's theology: a cautionary tale for today’s peril. Dialogue. February.

Hinlicky, P. R. (2020a). The Church in an age of pandemic: why virtual communion is not nearly radical enough. Let’s Talk 20 years of Living Theology in the Metropolitan Chicago Synod since 1996.

Hinlicky, P. R. (2020b). Lutheran Theology: A Critical Introduction. Cascade Companions.

Hinlicky, P. R. (2020c). Theological reflections on pastoral care during the pandemic. Caring Connections: An Inter-Lutheran Journal for Practitioners and Teachers of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 17(4), 36-41.

Hinlicky, P. R. (2021a). Complicity and the truth of the Christological path of ecclesial resistance [forthcoming]. In C. Helmer (Ed.), Truth-Telling and Other Ecclesial Practices of Resistance (2021). Lexington Books / Fortress Academic.

Hinlicky, P. R. (2021b). Joshua, Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible [forthcoming]. Brazos.

Hinlicky, P. R. (2021c). Review essay: Jan Olaf Henriksen, Christianity as distinct practices: a complicated relationship (New York: TNT Clark 2019). Modern Theology, 37(1), 236-239.

Hinlicky, P., R. (2021d). How theological exegesis disrupts theological tradition.  Robert W. Jenson, The Triune Story: Collected Essays on Scripture (Brad East (Ed.): 376 pp; 2019). Harvard Theological Review, 114(1), 143-157.