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2021 Bibliography of Faculty Scholarship & Creative Efforts

Art History

Sienkewicz Julia A. (Ed.). (2021). Art History Pedagogy and Practice [Special issue], 6(1).

Baltimore, Terri & Sienkewicz, Julia A. (2021). “Building Community (Art) History in “Standing Together: the Selma Burke Project.” In Persinger, Cindy and Azar Rejaie, Azar (Eds.), Socially-Engaged Art History and Beyond: Alternative Approaches to the Theory and Practice of Art History (pp. 251-258). Palgrave Macmillan for Springer Nature.

Sienkewicz, J. A. (2018a). “John Flaxman Redux: Copying, Homage, and Allusion in the Sketches of Benjamin Henry Latrobe". The British Art Journal, XIX (2), 106-113.

Sienkewicz, J. A. (2018b). “On Place and Displacement: Benjamin Henry Latrobe and the Immigrant Landscape.” British Art Studies, Fall (10).

Sienkewicz, J. A. (2019). Epic Landscapes: Benjamin Henry Latrobe and the Art of Watercolor. University of Delaware Press. Click to access the RC E-book

Sienkewicz, J. A. (2021). “Art History and its Publics: Weighing the Pedagogical and Research Benefits of Community-Engagement.” In Persinger, Cindy, Azar Rejaie, Azar (Eds.), Socially-Engaged Art History and Beyond: Alternative Approaches to the Theory and Practice of Art History (pp. 49-64). Palgrave Macmillan for Springer Nature.

Sigl, Johanna, Peter Kopp, Hassan Khozeym, Claire J. Malleson, Mary F. Ownby, &Leslie A. Warden. (2019). “Lebenswirklichkeiten auf Elephantine im Mittleren Reich.” Archäologie in Ägypten: Magazin Des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo, 5, 13.

Warden, L. A. (2018). “Ayn Gib Ceramics,” “Qasr el-Sumayra Ceramics,” “Settlement C Ceramics,” “Two Houses Ceramics,” and “Dabasheyyah Pigeon Tower Ceramics”. In Ikram, C. R. (Ed.), North Kharga Oasis Survey: Explorations in Egypt’s Western Desert. Peeters.

Warden, L. A. (2019).  “Tying technology to social, economic, and political change: the case of bread baking at Elephantine.” American Journal of Archaeology, 123(1), 1-17.

Warden, L. A. (2020a). "Where Did All the Beer Jars Go?" In J. Kamrin, J., Bárta, M., Ikram, S., Lehner, M. Megahed, M. (Eds.), Guardian of Ancient Egypt, Studies in Honor of Zahi Hawass. Czech Institute of Egyptology.

Warden, L. A. (2020b). “Ceramics as Indicators of Complexity.” The Gift of the Nile? In Schneider, T, C. L. & Johnson, C. L. (Eds.), Ancient Egypt and the Environment. The University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition.

Warden, L. A. (2020c). “Poverty? Approaching Economic Disparity in Third Millennium Egypt.” In Bußmann, R. & T. Helms, T. (Eds.), Poverty and Inequality in Early Civilizations. Habelt Publications.