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2021 Bibliography of Faculty Scholarship & Creative Efforts

Environmental Studies

Barron, E. S, Hartman, L. M., & Hagemann, F. (2020). From place to emplacement: the scalar politics of sustainability. Local Environment, 25(6), 447-462.

Hartman, L. M. (2018a). Climate privilege and climate engineering: lessons from the story of Zacchaeus with Forrest Clingerman and Kevin J. O’Brien. Playing God? Multi-Faith Responses to the Prospect of Climate Engineering. GreenFaith.

Hartman, L. M. (2018b). That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics.  RC-General Coll. BL65.E36 T478 2018

Hartman, L. M. (2018c). Geoengineering ethics. Issues in Science and Technology, 13-14.

Hartman, L.M. (2018d). More than an idea or a norm’: religion, justice, and practicality in dialog with the tollgate principles.” Invited response to an article, with Forrest Clingerman and Kevin J. O’Brien. Ethics, Policy, & Environment, 21(2), 190-193.

Hartman, L.M. (2021). Cooperativeness as a virtue of sustainability. In Jason Kawall (Ed.) The Virtues of Sustainability, Oxford University Press.

Hartman, L. M. & Wooley, K. M. (2020). The good, the wild, and the native: an ethical evaluation of ecological restoration, native landscaping, and the 'Wild Ones' of Wisconsin. Environmental Values, 29(5), 579-603.