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INQ 260: How People Learn: Identifying Reliable Sources

Reliable Sources (Identifying Peer Reviewed vs Popular Journals)

Evaluating Media Bias

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CRAAP Test Video (and downloadable checklist)

What's the Difference Between Reliable and Unreliable Journal Sources?

When searching for articles to support your research, it's important to distinguish between more reliable and less reliable sources. Almost without exception, you will want to limit your sources to those that are considered "scholarly" or "peer reviewed" because of the process that must occur before articles are published in these sources. Below are examples that will help you with the distinction. To better understand the level of scrutiny that is applied to peer reviewed articles before they can be published, be sure to watch the short video below.

How Does Research Become Peer Reviewed?

Click on the image above to view a short video that explains how an article becomes peer reviewed.