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INQ 260: How People Learn: How People Learn (Home)

Welcome to INQ 260 (How People Learn)

Searching for articles on topics in the social scienes

professor helping student with research

The landing page for Fintel Library is a great place to begin. More narrowly focused collections of electronic journals can be found below.

The Brain and Exercise (Click to view.)

Image of Youtube video

The science of how movement and exercise boost your mood and memory -- and protects your brain against cognitive decline.

Search Secrets! (Click to watch video.)

Screenshot of Youtube video about brainstorming and use of search terms

Once you've determined your topic, it's time to do some brainstorming! No need to get on a computer quite yet! In fact, it's probably best to to this with paper and pencil.  Click on the image above to see what happens when we are too anxious and we overlook the mind mapping and brainstorming needed to get good results. Don't forget to to return to this page after watching this short video.
(Source: Leonard Lief Library of Lehman College.)  

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