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POLI 256 US Health Policy: Websites

Try Harvard's Think Tank Search

Harvard's Kennedy School of Government library created a custom Google Think Tank Search. It helps you find hundreds of US and international think tanks

Think tanks are defined by the above as "institutions affiliated with universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, non-governmental organizations, and businesses that generate public policy research, analysis, and activity."


  • Search these selected think tanks by keywords to find research and analysis. If one seems most relevant to your topic, go to the home page and mine the site for publications, issues, research, and links to other organizations.
  • Not all think tanks are created equal! Check out Harvard's Kennedy School of Government guide for great tips and resources for evaluating think tanks.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Helpful Websites for Statistics

US Census Bureau
American’s Families and Living Arrangements provides information on marriages. Formerly Marital Status and Living Arrangements.

The Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study
The Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study follows a cohort of nearly 5,000 children born in large U.S. cities between 1998 and 2000 (roughly three-quarters of whom were born to unmarried parents). "Fragile families" are families of unmarried parents and their children at greater risk of breaking up and living in poverty than more traditional families. A joint effort by Princeton and Columbia Universities.

Getting Started with Health Statistics

This online tutorial from the National Library of Medicine is a great place to get started to learn about health data and statistics.

Data vs. Statistics

"Data" and "Statistics" are two words that we tend to use interchangeably and yet they refer to 2 very different things.  Data is the raw information from which statistics are created.  Statistics, in turn, provide a summary of data.