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Accessible Education Services: Test Center Guidelines for Faculty


Accessible Education Services strives to be a resource for faculty with students that require accommodations. For questions about our testing procedures or about a specific student's test scheduling, please contact the Center for Learning and Teaching at clt@roanoke.edu or 540-375-2247. If you have questions about working with students with disabilities or concerns about any of our policies, please contact Becky Harman at aes@roanoke.edu or 540-375-2247.


Scheduling Tests ·       

Once a student schedules a test, the Center for Learning and Teaching staff will notify the professor through email.         

Please reply to this email by following the link to the Faculty Test Request Form. 

Faculty Test Request Form

Please fill out entire form and only complete one form for each student.  

Deliver the test (either as an attachment or by dropping off), and the CLT will take care of the rest!  


General Tips         

Wait until you have received notice that a student has scheduled a test with the CLT to make arrangements. Please do not schedule a test for a student. From an American with Disabilities Act standpoint, the student must initiate the process. Faculty and CLT staff cannot assume that a student wishes to use an accommodation.        

Please fill out the online Faculty Test Request Form completely. Incomplete submissions make it difficult for the CLT to proctor tests accurately.         

We are very clear in letting the students know their responsibilities. It may help to review the information that is conveyed to them under the Accommodations and Test Center Guidelines for Students        

If a student fails to follow the Testing Center policies, faculty members are not required to go beyond reasonable measures to make accommodations. Please contact Becky Harman at harman@roanoke.edu or X2247 with questions.

To protect the integrity of our faculty's testing procedure, any change or exception granted by professor must be conveyed in writing. We will not proctor the test without written confirmation from the professor.