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Accessible Education Services: Disability Accommodation Policy


Roanoke College Disability Accommodation Policy

Roanoke College is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities for all students, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Certain accommodations may be permitted based on the specific disability and the recommendations of the consulting professional. Any special considerations or accommodations requested by the student will not be allowed until testing results have been received and reviewed by the Assistant Director for Accessible Education. All requests are handled on a case-by-case basis. Students are encouraged to submit their documentation shortly after being admitted to the College to ensure that their accommodations are in place prior to the beginning of their first term.

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The Learning Outcomes in the Intellectual Inquiry Curriculum are considered when thinking about possible accommodations for course work. The Learning Outcomes state that students will be able to:

  • Produce written works that express ideas effectively.
  • Produce oral works that express ideas effectively.
  • Use quantitative reasoning in decision making.
  • Formulate and evaluate ethical arguments.
  • Apply the concepts and methodologies of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities to address significant questions.
  • Work collaboratively to meet a common goal.
  • Critically reflect on their learning in an intensive learning environment.
  • Apply health related fitness concepts to their lives.
  • Communicate in a foreign language.

The College does not permit substitutions for language, statistics, or mathematics requirements.


After review of documentation, the Assistant Director for Accessible Education will meet with the student to discuss the accommodations that have been approved. This notification will take place within four weeks of receipt of complete documentation. 

If the student wishes to appeal the Assistant Director's decision, the student may submit the appeal, in writing, to the Director of Academic Services in the Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning & Teaching. The appeal should be submitted within two weeks of the initial notification. The Director of Academic Services will consult with appropriate staff members in rendering a decision. The student will receive a response within two weeks of submission of the appeal.

If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the Director of Academic Services, s/he may submit a second and final appeal, in writing, to the Vice-President/Dean of the College. The appeal should be submitted within two weeks of the Director's response. The Vice-President/Dean of the College will consult with appropriate staff members in rendering a decision. The decision of the Vice-President/Dean of the College will be final.