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Roanoke College Archives and Henry H. Fowler Collection

The chief component of the Roanoke College Archives is, of course, the college records from its founding in 1842. These include minutes, financial records, college publications, reports, faculty and alumni publications, scrapbooks, photographs, audio and video tapes and memorabilia. An additional portion of the archives is its special collections and rare books. Many of the works are of a religious nature, often, though not exclusively, reflecting the Lutheran heritage of the college. Some of our more valuable books are part of the Charles J. Smith Rare Book Collection, including a 4th ed. Martin Luther Bible, printed in 1564-65. The Archives also houses the Library's extensive holdings of nineteenth century periodicals.  

The Henry H. Fowler Collection comprises the papers of one of Roanoke College's most distinguished alumni (class of 1929), best recognized in national and international circles as LBJ's Secretary of the Treasury. Papers reflect his years of governmental service, prior to and including his years in Treasury, as well as his interests since he left the cabinet in 1968.

Another special collection is the photographic collection of E. Howard Hammersley (Class of 1938). Subjects revolve around his work as a wartime photographer during WWII and the southwest Virginia area. Additionally, the archives hold the papers of Jim Olin, 6th district congressman from 1982 until his retirement in 1992.

For more information about what the Archives collects, please see the Archives Collection Development Policy.

SPECIAL NOTE: As of May, 2018, the ELCA Synod Archives were moved to the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia SC.

Use of archival collections is by appointment only, Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - Noon and 1 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.  To request an appointment, please email: