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HIST 370: Advertising and Consumer Culture: Periodicals for Advertising Research


These periodicals are available in print or microform on the Fintel Library Found Floor. Some titles are located in Archives: Use of archival collections is by appointment only, Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - Noon and 1 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.  To request an appointment, please email: Other titles are freely accessible through digitized collections as noted below, but some digitized issues may not include ads. In these cases, consult bound (print) volumes and microfilm/fiche.

Using Microfilm

Please don't hesitate to ask for assistance if you need help with using microfilm. Fintel Library has several older microfilm readers, as well as a newer model. All are located on the First Floor. All microfilm and microfiche is located in cabinets on the Ground Floor. 

To use the newer microfilm reader that is available at a computer station near the other microfilm readers, follow the instructions at the workstation. Please note that you will need to save scanned files and then follow the same instructions you would use to print from a personal device.

Below are some tips for using the older microfilm readers.

To load microfilm on old machines:

  • Pull carrier handle forward until the glass plate lifts
  • Load the reel with film over the top of the reel and feed under white plastic roller.
  • Insert film into slot in take up reel and wind a few times to secure the reel.

Other Tips:

  • Move the carrier handle to adjust the position of the film.
  • Use the larger grey wheel beneath the screen to sharpen/focus; use the green wheel to adjust the fit of the page.
  • Use the grey knob in the lower right corner to reorient the page position.
  • Use the "Output Selection" options to change from portrait to landscape. For portrait orientation, the top light should be green.
  • The green start button prints the selected page.


Instruction & Research Services Librarian