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Wheelchair accessible Trails in Virginia - one local trail is: Hanging Rock
Accessible Virginia [hosted by Virginia Tourism]
TOPSoccer - The Outrearch Program for Soccer
Sports and recreational activities for children with physical disabilities / Cure Our Children Foundation
SportAble - a Richmond, VA based group
Special Needs Soccer Association (SPENSA)
Roanoke Valley Therapeutic Riding Program
PE Central - Their webpage for "Adapted Physical Education"
Paralympics - to find local groups, select "Community", then select "Paralympic Sport Clubs"
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC)
National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability (NCPAD)
NCPAD Directory of Sports & Recreation programs for people with disabilities - browse by disability, and/or zip code
Kids in the Valley (KIVA) - they list Events in the Roanoke area, some are for disabilities; use their Search Box (e.g. try searching: Autism, or Disability, etc.)
JMU Health & Physical Activity Institute - Institute includes programs on Adapted PE; and presentation of the 2012 award, Teacher of the Year for Adapted PE
Inclusive Fitness Coalition (IFC)
Fitness for Health (founded by Mark Sickel, Rockville, MD) Mission=a pediatric therapeutic exercise facility providing multisensory & individualized programs to foster growth & development for ALL children... worked with equipment manufacturers to design innovative & multisensory programs... children with motor delays, ADHD/ADD, learning disabilities, ...
Denton (TX) Independent School District. ADAPTED PE SERVICES - Mission statement, Manuals, etc. (2012 PE Teacher of the Year is an employee here).
Community accessible Multi-Sensory Room for Kids (up to age 8) MSE- MultiSensory Environment (Charlotte, NC)
Climbing for All / Association of Mountaineering Instructors
Boomer Esiason Foundation (Cystic Fibrosis) - click "Thriving with CF" and then click "Wind Sprints"
Athletes Helping Athletes - provides free handcycles for kids, and several more programs
American School Health Association (ASHA) - see: Advocacy & Resolutions tab, scroll down to: Exceptional Children
American Association of Adapted Sports Programs (AAASP)
American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation (AAPAR) - "National Adapted PE Teacher of the Year" award
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (AAHPERD) - use their SEARCH BOX; try entering various keywords (e.g. Adapted, or Disabled, etc. )
Adaptive Sports & Recreational Games / Museum of disABILITY History (VA Commonwealth Univ.)
Achilles Kids - Running, walking, and rolling programs for kids with disabilities
Ability Plus - Adaptive sports for all ages
IDEA Website (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
Health Topics A-Z (National Institutes of Health) -- see: "A"ttention deficit; "C"erebral palsy; "H"earing disorders/deafness; "L"ow vision/blindness; etc.
Genetic And Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD) - from the National Institutes of Health website