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Philosophy & Religion Research Guide: Books & Other Online Collections

Philosophy & Religion Research Guide

Films on Demand (Streaming Media)

Philosophy (704)

  • Branches & Doctrines
  • Ethics
  • History of Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Social & Political Philosophy
  • Survey: Philosophy

Religion and Spirituality (593)

  • History of Religion
  • Religion & Society
  • Ritual & Worship
  • Survey: Religion
  • Theology & Religious Philosophy

World Religions (690)

  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Indigenous Religions
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Religions of China & Japan
  • Religions of India & The Middle East
  • Survey: World Religions

EBSCO Academic E-book Collection

Project Muse Journal & Ebook Collection

Wiley Online Library

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