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INQ 251 / Honors 251 : A Scientific Look at Art: Subject & Keyword Search Strategies

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Subject Headings

The list of subject headings below is not exhaustive, however they are representative of controlled vocabulary terms used in the field.  Use of these controlled vocabulary terms are best applied when performing an "Advanced Search" or a "Browse" by "Subject" search.

Antiquities - Collection and preservation

Archaeological chemistry

Art - Conservation and restoration

Art Objects - Conservation and restoration

Artists' materials - Microscopy

Ceramics - Analysis

Ceramics - Protection

Chemistry, Analytic - Methodology

Dyes and dyeing - Chemistry


Firing (Ceramics)

Glazes - Formulae

Marble sculpture - Conservation and restoration

Marble sculpture, Greek - Expertising

Mosaics - Conservation and restoration

Mural painting and decoration

Photographs - Coloring

Photographs - Conservation and restoration

Paint - Analysis

Pigments - Analysis

Sculpture, French - Conservation and restoration

Sculpture, Gothic - Conservation and restoration


When performing keyword searches try the following strategies based upon the topic of interest.

“art conservation science” or “art conservation instrumentation” or “art conservation technical” or “case study  + your topic + conservation” or “your topic + conservation science” i.e. “iron gall ink conservation science”

Artworks, Artifacts, Artefact [British], Art objects  [avoid  searching by ART* [too many false hits]

Color, Colour (British spelling), coloring, colorant, dye, dyeing, pigment* ...

Cobalt blue, Egyptian blue, Prussian blue, [note: blue also means "sad"]

Deteriorat* or Degrad* or Flaking or Chipping or Crazing [term with glazes or lacquers] or Stain*

Conserv* or Preserv* or Cleaning or Cleansing

Restor* or Repair*

Materials and techniques (phrase)  OR Materials and technology (phrase)

Ceramic* or Pottery or Raku or Faience or Glaz* or Vases or (paint* and vase*)  or Clay fabric

Sculpt* or Metal-work or Copperwork or Metalsmith* or Silversmithing or Silver-plating or Weld* or Electroplating or Stone-cutters or Plastic* moulding or Chromium (aka Chrome) or Aluminum or Stainless steel 

Painting* or Over-painted or Oil-painting or Pastel* or Watercolor* or Watercoulor (British spelling) or Painted coffin lids

Jewel*or Amulet* or Gems

Textiles, Fibers, Fibres, Fabrics, Weavings, Clavi, Orbiculi, Tabulae, Garments, Veils, Handkerchiefs, Tapestry

Fresco*, Affresco [Italian], Fresco-secco, a-Secco, Buon fresco, "Mezzo fresco technique", Wall painting*, Painted ceiling*, Secco painting, Lime painting